Another 2012 Japanese horror anime television series produced by PA Works and directed by Tsutomu Mizushima which aired 12 episodes from January 10 to March 27, 2012. Based on a 2009 novel by the same name by Yukito Ayatsuji, this series is set in 1998 and focuses on a boy named Kōichi Sakakibara.

Who, as he passed Yomiyama Middle School and met the curious May Misaki, found himself surrounded by students and people related to his class facing a horrific and senseless death.

 One was directed by Tsutomu Mizushima and produced by PA Works, starring Yuriko Ishii, the lead director of the series, based on Noizi Ito's original ideas for the novel.

Another premiered in late-night slots on Kitanihon Broadcasting, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting, and several independent TV stations, then appeared on Nippon BS Broadcasting beginning in April.

Sentai Filmworks has licensed the anime series for digital and home video release in 2012.An original video animation episode set before the beginning of the series was released on May 26, 2012 with a "0th" volume of the manga.


Another Is the SCARIEST Anime of All Time

Packed full of terror, blood and creeping despair, Another may well be the scariest anime ever created.

There are dozens of candidates in the debate over which is the most terrifying anime ever. Some say Parasyte's physical shock: Maxim makes them feel very uncomfortable or the endless flow of the Corpse Party franchise makes their stomach churn.

 Others point to Hell Girl and their meditation on the evils of evil, or the unpleasant digital presence of Serial Experiment Lain. However, one of 2012 is probably the most terrifying anime of all time.

Based on a 2009 novel by Yukito Ayatsuji, One takes the horror book and makes it terrifying. When Kōichi Sakakibara was sent to live with his grandparents in his hometown of Yomiyama, he had to join a new school. 

However, before starting school, Kōichi ends up in the hospital. While there, he meets a strange girl named Mei Misaki. Mei inserts an eye clip to hide the fact that one of her eyes is actually an eye from a doll. He says this eye can help him see people who are close to death.

Mei tells Kōichi that her class, Class 3-3, is cursed. In 1972, a prominent student died in the middle of the year. The students could not cope with their grief, so they pretended to be alive. 

This has resulted in a strange and unexplained phenomenon that continues to this day. Each year there will be more students in the class. However, this student is actually dead and does not know. After graduation, the dead student would disappear, and no one in the class would remember him.

 However, until graduation, death seizes the halls, causing one student to die tragically every month.

As Kōichi begins classes, this vicious cycle begins again. It is in Kōichi and May to find out which student is not and try to find a way to stop this cycle before you seek their lives.

 The main mystery in the heart is part of the reason why it is so scary. Watching students being hunted for something they don’t see and have no way to fight gives you a sense of the pure existing fear. 

If you are cursed, you will not know until it is too late, and once we have seen it, there is nothing you can do about it.

Furthermore, the perception that our truth is flawed is shocking. The notion that something is wrong, yet you cannot ignore it, only serves to amplify the fear felt throughout the series.

In addition, the actions that started the curse are very understandable. This is not the case with hubris or some form of cosmic justice. 

Cursing is a product of grief and sorrow, both of which we all understand and struggle with. This makes the curse very troubling because no bad person can be blamed for it, only people who made a mistake could not see the consequences of that. 


The school environment makes panic very intense. Yomiyama North Middle School feels like another school. Students, although strange, feel like people you can remember from your youth. 

They are just ordinary people trying to get an education in an environment that we are taught to see as safe. Therefore, seeing this common disorder is immediately alarming.

Death is truly the star of the show. They are frightening and embarrassing and affect common fears such as falling from extreme heights or sudden mechanical failure. The killers look cruel without being overpowered by the insane, superficial blood sources that often plague the horror anime.

 The effects associated with this death are disgusting, ugly and will stick for a long time after the end of the series, shocking you into a whole new level.

The success of the other lies in how they combine several forms of terror together. Gore, existing fears and unknown fears all come together and form one complete and cohesive package.

 Pair this with great mystery and you will find that, no matter what scary sounds like to you, Someone has a way of giving it to you and keeping you addicted. While there are many ways to fool yourself this Halloween, One will haunt your dreams until Christmas.