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Dragon Ball Super New Upcoming Movie

If you are an anime lover then you must have seen Dragon Ball because most of the people like Dragon Ball.  That's why I am glad to tell you that a new movie of "Dragon Ball Super"  is coming soon and I know you are too excited to watch this movie. I recommend every Dragon Ball fan should watch this movie.

While not much has been revealed about the second Dragon Ball Super movie, Toriyama conveyed a message to fans and informed them that they were "prepared for some extreme and exciting moments, which could have an unexpected character."

Toei Animation, the head Japanese animation house with a history of 17th years, has announced the launch of a new movie "Dragon Ball Super" in 2022.

Based on Toriyama Akira's comics, which first appeared in 1984 magazine "Weekly Shonen Jump" and has sold 260 million copies worldwide, the "Dragon Ball" franchise has been a money spinner for Toii, featuring TV anime, movies, games and for sale in the mix.

The new film for the second season is based on “Dragon Ball Super,” a sequel to the first Dragon Ball manga that appeared in both manga and anime forms in 2015. The first film, "Dragon Ball Super Broly," directed by Nagamine Tatsuya and written by Toriyama, It is the 20th annual Dragon Ball film, the third film made with the direct involvement of Toriyama, and the first to hold the Dragon Ball Super brand. It’s a straightforward version of the first season of the television series and it grossed $ 120 million worldwide after the December 2018 release in Japan.

In a statement Toriyama said he is "leading the way in producing news and dialogue with another amazing film. “We’ll be arranging some untested space about visual aesthetics to give the audience an amazing ride,” he added.

The "Dragon Ball" series with its various sequences and spinoffs follows the sacrifice of Son Goku AKA Goku, a boy based on the main character in the ancient Chinese hero. They use their  superpowers and martial arts, Goku did so many fights a very long and has a list of baddies from the entire world. In the story of "Dragon Ball Super", you gain power like the god of war against Beerus, the God of Destruction, and his allies with the help of his allies with the same power. "Be prepared for some extravagant and exciting moments. " 

Unexpected character in movie 

The new Dragon Ball Super movie jokes about the "unexpected" character! Dragon Ball Super: Broly has surprised fans with the fact that series creator Akira Toriyama officially gave birth to Broly in thonon series following the sequel to the non-canon villain through some of the most popular Dragon Ball Z movies.

 Now that Toei Animation has officially announced the release of the new Dragon Ball Super movie next year, fans are starting to wonder if this new movie will do the same or not. It could happen if it was given that there was already a mockery of a great amazing character coming to us.

While the concrete details of the new Dragon Ball Super movie trailer are scarce, the original creator of the series Akira Toriyama has been portrayed as the very one who followed the original story of the film

, the character formation, and the lines in the text. In a special message to fans regarding the official announcement of the new movie, Toriyama slammed fans with the fact that the film will be bringing in an "unexpected" character.

In Toriyama's special message to fans, the Dragon Ball builder teased him that he shouldn't have talked about the plot yet but joked that there would be an "unexpected" character. This could be any character, but fans are hopeful that it is the enemy or a previously established partner who will officially be getting a canonical remake with a new film just like Dragon Ball Super: Broly did for Broly.

To make things attractive with this promise that an “unexpected character” can mean anything from a villain or an ancient roster. It is difficult to estimate whether this new movie will be part of the canon, but if it comes directly from Toriyama himself it is hard to argue with it. If this character is "unexpected" in fact he may eliminate those enemies we have seen in lies over the years since the Dragon Ball Ball: Broly.

This can also be funny about a brand new character, and this can make a new movie more fun than it is now.


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